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01 February 2024
Distance learning in light of the Corona pandemic. The world is still suffering from the Corona pandemic that began at the beginning of the year 2020, that is, almost a year ago. We started the pandemic, and we have all spent days and months inside the house, only going out when absolutely necessary. Everything was transferred from study or work to the home, without the need. To go out and mingle with people. I started holding meetings on the Zoom platform and making decisions to continue work normally. We have all already started using the Zoom platform in order to complete the work that suddenly stopped without warning. Even children and teachers began to communicate on the same platform in order to complete the educational curriculum that had been stopped without completion. Even exams were turned into websites launched by schools so that students could enter the websites and the end of the year exams would arrive. Indeed, coexistence has begun, whether for children or adults, in light of the Corona pandemic, at home, and each of us is accomplishing his tasks to the fullest extent